Rock Garden

Shinumo Canyon — The largest of all canyon systems in Grand Canyon; a complex system of drainages with many place-names and features. Other canyons within include White, Flint, Merlin, Modred, and Gawain; many names are taken from King Arthur, but the origin of the name Shinumo is obscure. This was the northern branch of the W.W. Bass operation including mines, a tent-cabin, and a garden; he used this area extensively. A stop at Shinumo Camp will offer an impression of the history. Below cliffs on the southeast of the creek just down from White Creek are prehistoric ruins. Two distinct, well-used routes leave the canyon downstream connecting with the beach areas upriver. A chockstone forms a fall near the mouth, but there is a tiny passage behind it (first noted by Elwyn Blake from the Birdseye Expedition) that one can squeeze through on a dare. Water is plentiful.

Trails — North Bass Trail (see White Creek and Muav Canyon), with a related trail system over the Shinumo divide connecting Shinumo Camp to the beach, and continuing east to Hotauta Canyon and another small beach camp.

Routes — Remnants of the Waltenberg Trail through Burro Canyon to Hakatai Canyon can be found with difficulty. These routes give access to the Tonto downriver. See notes on Circumambulation of Powell.

Travel up Shinumo Creek above the White Creek fork is interesting for a short distance with a barrier waterfall just above the Flint Creek fork. The best way to reach the upper regions is the westside Tonto bench, which is accessed either from above the Tapeats layer in White Creek or through the nameless side-canyon east of Redwall Canyon. A definite burro track can be followed most of the way, but somewhat indistinct in a few places — probably an original Anazasi track. Descend to the creek again just downstream of the major fork — Merlin Abyss north, Modred Abyss east.

1990 September - Around Powell with George S. and cohort. Visit to the beach and mouth of Shinumo with Gary L. who showed us the secret hole: day 9 and 10.

2004 October - Going first to Hakatai with a stop at Shinumo Camp and exploration of the irrigation system across the creek, then returning and going to Hotauta to start upriver through Monadnock, Tuna, Crystal, Trinity, to Phantom and out at the North Rim. Hakatai excursion with Danny and Gene; going upriver with Gene and Bob.

2005 October - Repeat trip to Hakatai, returning and up through Modred Abyss and exit Lancelot Point.


Catalog of Places - Trips - Routes - Notes